

电子烟LANA VAPE |美国购买悦刻指定商店| 美国购电子烟 | 全球多仓库就近发货

电子烟 提示:美国地区境内现货供应LANA VAPE机器和烟弹 电子烟不限量购买,美国洛杉矶地区大额订单可以当天闪送,美国现货库存,日期新鲜,现货当天秒发,悦刻官方正品,可扫码,时效,美西2-4天,美东5-6天。洛杉矶、旧金山、纽约、西雅图、五大湖区、休斯顿,华盛顿,波士顿、芝加哥、迈阿密、夏威夷等。



Shipping starts at $6.00 USD for all orders shipped to anywhere in the world.  We understand your need to have your product soonest.  We will always begin start processing your orders the same day.  Please allow 1-2 business days for the order to be processed prior to shipping.


We deliver internationally globally.  For most countries and cities, delivery times are 8-15 business days.

For countries with less freight cargo, the estimated delivery time is 10-15 business days.

*Please note order cancellations will incur the Shipping & Handling charge of your purchase.

*You are responsible for the duties imposed by your country’s customs.  You are also responsible for ensuring to comply with laws and regulations of the country of destination. We does not have any responsibility for any additional charges that may apply.